Privacy management

What can we help you with?

I want to know what information is collected about me
Microsoft collects data to operate effectively and provide you the best experiences with our events. You provide some of this data directly. We get some of it by recording how you interact with our products by, for example, using technologies like cookies, and receiving error reports or usage data from software running on your device. We also obtain data from third parties. For more information, visit our Privacy Page.

I want to update information about my registration
If registration services are still available, you are invited to modify your information directly on your Confirmation page, by selecting "Edit" in any of the drop down accordions. You may return to your Confirmation page. If you need assistance more than what is offered on the Confirmation page, please reach out to the Registration team at

I want to delete my information in my registration
You have control over your personal data, including the right to delete it. If you choose to delete your personal data, your registration will be cancelled and standard cancellation fees will apply. See the event cancellation policy for details, and to determine if any action is necessary on your part to cancel your hotel reservation.

Microsoft maintains basic contact information for use in registering for future events. If you choose to delete your profile, your registration for some Microsoft events may be cancelled and the same guidance about cancellation as above applies.

For a broader view of the personal data that Microsoft has collected about me, learn more at Microsoft Privacy.

Additionally, if you manage the registrations of individuals that are not yourself, then you will need to begin by contacting the Registration Team at

To proceed with the deletion, please navigate to the delete request page.